Sokaogon Chippewa Community News
Veterans Golf Outing
Posted on: August 1, 2019
By: Richard D. Ackley, Jr.
Beautiful warm temperatures and bright sunny skies welcomed 88 participants to the 2019 Veteran’s Golf Outing to benefit Mole Lake Veterans programs.

This year’s event, held at the Nicolet Country Club in Laona, began with participants being treated to fresh pastry and coffee prior to heading out onto the links. Promptly at 10:00 am, team members spread out across the golf course to begin the day with a shotgun start and played a best ball scramble. Brats and burgers were served at the clubhouse on the turn, as the golfers reached the mid-way point of their game.

Following the day’s outing, everyone gathered at the Mole Lake Lodge Conference Center for a chicken dinner, complete with dessert. Those who purchased door prize tickets participated in drawings following dinner.

Golf awards were presented to:
First Place – Dean VanZile’s team, score of 60
Second Place – Wart Marvin’s team
Third Place – Jim Polar’s team
First Place Mixed – Jim VanZile and Tom VanZile, score of 58
Dean VanZile, Mole Lake’s Veterans Service Officer and tournament organizer, stated, “We especially want to thank all of our sponsors who helped make this very important fundraiser a success.”
This year’s sponsors included: Snowy Rivers Products, NorthStar Casino, Maplewood Golf Course, Flowers From the Heart, Hotel Crandon, Beaches Bar, Weezie’s Bar, Nicolet Country Club and staff, Mole Lake Casino & Lodge, Conference Center and staff, Forest Republican News, Sokaogon Tribal Council, Sokaogon Finance, and the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs.
A special thank you to all the volunteers, including: Stephanie Quade, Alexis Quade, Cylee Quade, Noel Thorbahn, Keshia Thorbahn and Cheryl Marvin.