Sokaogon Chippewa Community News
Tribal PD Recognized by Justice Department
The Tribe and the State now hold concurrent criminal jurisdiction on the reservation. Public Law 280, a federal law, granted the State of Wisconsin limited jurisdiction over criminal matters and the State, through the County, policed Tribal lands.
The process of creating the law enforcement agency began in April 2018 when the Sokaogon Chippewa Tribal Council passed a resolution approving the creation of the police department and its policies and procedures. Last May, Bill Ison was sworn in as the Chief of Police.
Danielle Molliver, Law Clerk from Swanson, Drobnick & Tousey P.C., was instrumental in securing funding from the COPS program. She helped coordinate with other state, federal, and Tribal agencies and officials to begin the process of developing the SCCPD. Bill would like to thank Danielle for her support and expertise.”It’s a pretty extensive process,” said Bill. “There are many, many hoops to jump through. I’m learning a lot and I’ve been in the law enforcement business for 40 years. You can always learn more.”
If you would like to learn more about the Sokaogon Chippewa Community Police Department, please email Bill Ison or call 715-478-0664.