Sokaogon Chippewa Community News
Rendezvous and Festival Brings History Alive
Posted on: September 26, 2019
The inaugural Northwoods Rendezvous and Wild Rice Festival was held last weekend. The event kicked off on Friday, welcoming students from Armstrong Creek, Crandon, Laona and Wabeno. Paul Ninham provided presentations, demonstrations and conducted Original Games with the students, and throughout the weekend.
While the weather didn’t cooperate on Saturday and Sunday, re-enactors offered historic exhibits, activities and competitions. The Cultural Committee served food throughout weekend, offering delicious Fry Bread, Indian Tacos, Wild Rice and Potato soups, and Pumpkin Pie.
View more photos of the event on the Northwoods Rendezvous and Wild Rice Festival Facebook page.
Chi Miigwech to the dedicated volunteers who made this event happen: Richard Ackley, Brian Garrow, Jake Godin, Cassandra Graikowski, Gary and Lori Lang, Pete McGeshick, III, Johnny Phillips, Ryan Randall, Kimberlee Soldier, Mike Spencer, Brian Tate and Nick Vanderpuy.
The event will be held next year September 18 through September 20, 2020.