Sokaogon Chippewa Community News
Recovery Week Festivities
Posted on: May 18, 2022

Chi Miigwech to Kimberlee Soldier for the photos
By Kimberlee Soldier
The Prevention Week Committee is a collaboration of partners with Sokaogon Chippewa Community Tribal Members, Forest County Potawatomi Tribal Members, the Forest County Health Department, and the Forest County Sheriff’s Department.
The Prevention Week planning committee includes Angela Jacobson, Mary Thorton, Justin Shawano, Tony Crum, Jorge and Artie Cisneros, Tiffany Wozniak, Stephanie Statezny and myself.
We began planning the week-long events in February, and our efforts brought forth some pretty cool events this year:
- Sunday, May 8th was the Mother’s Day Golf Outing & Prevention Week Kick-Off
- Monday was Movie Night at the Forest County Potawatomi Community Center
- Tuesday was Family Fun Night in Argonne
- Wednesday was the Sobriety Feast at the SCC Cultural Building
- Thursday was an 80’s Party with music by The Breakfast Club
- Friday was the Annual Walk for Recovery, and we started in Mole Lake and ended in Stone Lake
- Saturday was Sports Day at Cardinal Park, followed by the Supaman performance at the Forest County Potawatomi Community Center

Our sponsors and volunteers were absolutely amazing!! The love and support shared and experienced was overwhelming.
Sponsor’s: Forest TV & Appliance, Stop the Dealing Start the Healing, Forest County Health Department, Schaefer’s Food, Parson’s of Crandon, C.A.R.S. of Crandon, Tricia’s Treasures, Yvonne’s Classy Closet, Flowers From the Heart, Creative Screen Printing, Tamarack Outfitters, Forest County Sheriff Officer’s Union, Other Guy’s Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Style Shoppe, Crandon International Raceway, Charlie’s Lake Metonga Resort, Forest County Potawatomi, Sokaogon Finance, Mole Lake Casino, Lodge & Conference Center, Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Argonne Fire Department, Crandon Fire Department, Wabeno Fire Department, Nicolet Golf Course, Angela Jacobson, Laona State Bank, Ashley Sieler, Christian Thrift Store, Lake Avenue, FCP Health Department and the Prevention Week Committee.
Volunteers: Kellee Gallion, Christy Doane, Mackenzi McGeshick, Ed Cover, Sheila Jacobson, Mykala Crum, Kevin Jacobson, Jeff Keeble Sr., John Thornton, Sue Thornton, Buzz Anawash, Jed Kegley, Artie VanZile, Morgan VanZile, Katie Cisneros, Forest County Sheriff’s Department.
Thanks to the Swamp Creek Singers for honoring us with yours songs at the Sobriety Feast and Recovery Walk.
A special thanks to Mylo Smith who spent the week with everyone in Forest County, and to Supaman for Saturday’s jam session!!
The Prevention Week Committee thanks you all! We could not have done any of the past week’s events without any of you.