Sokaogon Chippewa Community News

Manoomin Impacted by June Storms, But Good Picking Opportunities Available


By Brandon Byrne, GLIFWC Wetland Ecologist

Kathleen Smith, GLIFWC Genawendang Manoomin

“The September moon, Manoominike giizis (Rice Making moon), is fast approaching. Time to get your rice knocking sticks and push poles ready! By now, everyone has begun scouting their favorite ricing areas. GLIFWC’s Manoomin Monitoring Program has been in full swing. I was out early looking at seed germination—it was a beautiful sight seeing the silver threads of the first life as the overwintered seed came to life.

After this past winter, we anticipated low water levels in some waterbodies across the Ceded Territories. There was concern from elders that, with low water levels in the spring, amikwag would not be able to get into their lodges and build up their dams. Mother Earth has her way of catching things up—with the precipitation in June, the thunder beings made it known that they were here. Water levels rose and, after our interns’ initial field visits, some beds were impacted. In some lakes with higher water levels, rice along the beds receded. If higher water levels continue, it could mean a longer time for manoomin to ripen.

If you get a chance, throw out some asemaa to ask the storms to go around and ensure a successful harvest.”

Read the full story here (see page 3).