Sokaogon Chippewa Community News

Kaylee McGeshick Achieves CMA Certification

Kaylee McGeshick began her medical training in 2014 as a junior in high school. She became a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), and shared that working as a CNA reassured her that she wanted to pursue a career in the medical field as a Registered Nurse.

“In 2018, I began the Nursing Program at Nicolet College. During this time, I encountered some challenges and struggled with a three-credit requirement to complete my Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) degree. Unfortunately, I had to take a step back from the program.”

Kaylee didn’t let her struggles stop her from continuing on her path. “I was encouraged to enroll in the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) program, which took a year to complete. Now that I am a CMA, my plan is to successfully complete the three-credit course required to finish my Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) degree.”

As Kaylee achieved receiving her CMA and looks ahead to completing the LPN degree, she shared some of the struggles she faced. “I think the most challenging part of receiving this certification was taking the exam. I struggle with anxiety and taking tests is stressful for me. Because of this I overthink everything and second-guess myself which makes taking any type of exam extremely difficult.”

As she continues to overcome the challenges of reaching her goals, Kaylee shares this encouragement with the community. “Education is a high priority and I strongly encourage every Tribal Member to better themselves by pursuing a college education. It can be challenging and difficult at times, but it will be worth it in the end! So set your goals high and put in the work to achieve them.”

Congratulations Kaylee on your tremendous accomplishments!