Indian Child Welfare
Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
By Appointment As Needed
Sokaogon Indian Child Welfare provides intervention and case management services in cases of child abuse and neglect within the boundaries of the Sokaogon Reservation. This includes efforts to help prevent the removal of children from their homes, but assuming custody when necessary and placing children with an appropriate caregiver. The ICW department then works with the family to develop an individualized case plan which can include a variety of services or referrals aimed to help the family eliminate any safety concerns.
Sokaogon Indian Child Welfare assists state and local agencies in the identification of children eligible for membership in the Sokaogon Chippewa Community who may be involved in the child protection system.
The ICW Department helps guide state and local agencies to provide culturally appropriate services to Sokaogon families. The ICW Department also provides Sokaogon placement preferences to outside agencies and Qualified Expert Witness Testimony in ICWA state court hearings.
Wisconsin Department of Children & Families
Resources for Families -
ICWA/WICWA Resources for professionals - National Indian Child Welfare Association
Wisconsin Circuit Court Forms - links to Voluntary Custody and Family Court forms
The Human Services Center - links to Behavioral Health Referrals, Substance Abuse Referrals and information
Foster Care Recruitment - information about becoming a foster home
Get In Touch
Indian Child Welfare
Mandi VanZile, Director
3051 Sand Lake Road
Crandon, WI 54520
Email ICW