Sokaogon Chippewa Community News

Ice Fishing Jamboree Winners

The Oak Lake Ice Fishing Jamboree was held last Sunday.
Congratulations to Leelyn VanZile, the Fishing Tournament winner.
Orange Ticket Winners:
Vexillar – 1st Place – Wayne Mills
Ice Auger – 2nd Place – Ryan Schallock
Clam Ice Shelter – 3rd Place – Guy PavekGreen Ticket Winners:
Snow Dogg Machine – Mike Kruse

Proceeds from the Jamboree will be used for scholarships, and the study and rehabilitation of Oak Lake and other nearby lakes.
Miigwech to Vickie Ackley, Cheyenne Landru and Kimberly Soldier for the photos.
Chi Miigwech to everyone who participated, all of the sponsors, and to the many volunteers!