Despite the seemingly insurmountable task, Chief Ackley continued his quest for repatriation for his people, and in 1939, the Sokaogon of Mole Lake were finally granted 1,680 acres of reservation land.
It is said that Chief Ackley was skilled in many Ojibwe customs, including the use of traditional plant medicines, hunting and fishing, and the creation of birch bark crafts. He taught many in the ways of the natural laws. He was also an ambassador of goodwill and advocated for the advancement of Indian people into the 20th century. To this day, his legacy lives on in our community.
“He was a true leader of the people. He represented the Great Spirit, and everything that’s good about Indian people,” Fred shared. “He taught myself and many others what it means to be a good person – to be a good human being. Through him, our Tribe has survived.”
Hear Chief Ackley share some history of the Tribe, as well as some words in Ojibwe and their meanings. |