Sokaogon Chippewa Community News
Grants Announcements
By Melanie Simpson, Grant Writer
The Department of Children and Family (DCF) has awarded the Sokaogon Chippewa Community a Family Tribal Support Services for Sexual Assault Survivors Grant in the amount of $50,000. With the funds from the grant, Brighter Days was able to fill a position for a Sexual Assault Advocate.
The new Sexual Assault Advocate, Sylvia Krusenterna, is available to provide intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. Some services provided are accompaniment and advocacy through medical, criminal justice and social support systems, crisis intervention, short-term individual and group support services, and comprehensive service coordination.
Sylvia will provide supervision to assist sexual assault survivors and family or household members with information and referrals to assist sexual assault victims, survivors, family and household members with community-based, culturally specific services and support mechanisms, among other programs.
Welcome to the team Sylvia!