Sokaogon Chippewa Community News

GLIFWC to Survey Lakes for Invasive Species

Each year biologists with the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) survey inland lakes in the Ojibwe Ceded Territories, including northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, searching for aquatic invasive species (AIS).

The surveys are conducted to help gain more information about the presence and distribution of AIS. The results of the surveys can help natural resource managers coordinate efforts to slow the spread of AIS and protect Treaty resources.

“Preventing and/or slowing the spread of AIS is important because of the detrimental impact that some AIS can have on our native ecosystems, including outcompeting native species, decreasing biodiversity, and displacing important riparian and aquatic habitat,” said Travis Bartnick, wildlife biologist for the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission in Odana.

The surveys for aquatic invasive plants and animals began in late June. GLIFWC staff survey shorelines and other shallow water areas on selected lakes. The surveys generally include a meander survey of the littoral zone and collection of plankton samples from deeper water for laboratory analysis. Plankton and Ekman dredge sampling are aimed at detecting small organisms such as zebra mussel veligers and spiny water fleas.

Data collected from these surveys are shared with federal, Tribal, state, county and local partners. Survey data are also available on GLIFWC’s website.

The Wisconsin lakes scheduled for AIS surveys include:

  • Vilas County – Anna­belle, Big Crooked, Birch, Jag, Mamie, Lac Vieux Desert, Stateline and West Bay lakes.
  • Oneida County – Fifth, Fish, George and Stone lakes.

Additionally, nonnative phragmites control work is planned for Manitowish Lake and Lake Laura (both Vilas County) and for Mueller Lake and Lily Pond (Langlade County).

Michigan lakes scheduled for AIS surveys in Gogebic County include: Chaney, East Bay, Lac Vieux Desert, Stateline and West Bay lakes.

For additional information, contact Charlie Otto Rasmussen, GLIFWC public information office, at 715-685-2107.