Sokaogon Chippewa Community News
Family Services Welcomes the Community

Carla wants to be sure that everyone understands the purpose of this department. “There has been some recent misconceptions of what programs we are able to offer. It is our responsibility to follow the specific program guidelines, as laid out within our contract with the federal and state governments to ensure that we can continue to receive funding to be able to help our community.”
Carla shared a list of current programs that include Indian Child Welfare (ICW), Child Support, Family Services, Drug Prevention and Economic Support, which includes Badger Care, Child Care, Food Share, General Assistance and Temporary Assistance.

“In addition to job skills training, resume writing, basic life skills and budgeting classes, our goal is to help our Tribal Members improve their quality of living and achieve their goals to strengthen families and in turn strengthen our community,” Carla said.
For more information on the programs and staff, please call (715) 478-7600.